©1992, James W. Walker, all rights reserved. Laser Path is a utility that allows you to store PostScript fonts (also known as Type 1 and Type 3 fonts) in a folder other than your Extensions folder. This folder should only contain the PostScript fonts, not the corresponding bitmapped screen fonts. Laser Path should work with System 7.0 or 7.0.1, but may need to be revised for System 7.1 whenever it appears. How to Use Laser Path To use Laser Path, click the Set Path button in the Laser Path control panel. This will bring up a directory dialog which you can use to choose a folder. After choosing the folder, the control panel will display the name of the folder, the path to it, and any PostScript font files in the folder. For example, the picture below shows that the folder “laser fonts” is inside the folder “Suitcases” on the disk “arcana”, and contains two font files, “BillsDin” and “Sydne”. Unless you just installed Laser Path and have not restarted with Laser Path in place, the LaserWriter driver and ATM will immediately be able to find the PostScript fonts in the specified folder. You can still have some fonts in the Extensions folder.   Warning Messages If Laser Path has a problem at startup time, for instance if the font folder that you have selected is on a volume that has not yet been mounted, then it will post a warning message after the startup process is complete. In some cases you might know that the volume will not be available until later, and then you may choose to turn off these warnings using the Laser Path control panel. Laser Path will also warn you if there is a problem when a file is actually being searched for. Author’s address James W. Walker 3200 Heyward Street Columbia, SC 29205 Questions or comments can also be sent by e-mail. America Online: JWWalker CompuServe: 76367,2271 Internet: 76367.2271@compuserve.com Distribution policy Laser Path may be distributed freely, provided that the software, including this documentation, is unchanged. Laser Path may not be sold or offered for sale, or included with another software product offered for sale, except with the express written permission of the author. Companies that distribute public domain/freeware/shareware software for profit are expressly prohibited from distributing Laser Path. This restriction does not apply to bulletin boards, commercial on-line services such as America Online, CompuServe and GEnie, and non-profit Macintosh user groups which hold regularly scheduled public meetings. Legal weasel words Laser Path is distributed as is, with no guarantee that it is bug free or compatible with all hardware and software configurations. The author is not responsible for losses incurred through the uses or malfunction of this program.